Top 3 Problems We Solve

Sales coaching techniques problem #1 - scrap and waste


The Scrap & Waste Factor

60% of all sales calls are scrap and waste that do not move your customer’s buying process forward.

Root Cause

  • There isn’t a common language or agreement on a quality sales interaction.
  • Salespeople are not creating value for customers.
  • Most sales calls lack well-thought-through call objectives or call plans that justify a buying decision.

Our Solution

We will help you install a common language of “what good looks like” to set expectations and create alignment for planning, executing, and coaching a quality sales call. Finally, we track and measure coaching activity every 90 days a leading indicator of sales success.

Arrows representing sales leadership training on lagging indicators


Leading & Lagging Indicators

Sales leaders spend over half their time reviewing lagging indicator forecasts rather than the number one leading indicator: sales call quality. (Source: Sales Benchmark Index)

Root Cause

A lack of clear expectations to focus on sales call and coaching quality vs primarily focusing on quantity

Our Solution

We help you determine what percent of time your sales leaders spend coaching sales calls. We work with you to problem-solve to remove barriers and obstacles that prevent them from spending more time and then help them plan more wisely to increase the ROI from their coaching activities. Finally we track and measure their coaching activity every 90 days.

Icon representing sales transformation technique to track sales activity


Coaching is Reactive and Doesn’t Change Behavior or Deliver Results

Most sales leaders don’t do it enough and those that do, don’t do it very well. 

Root Cause

Random Acts of Coaching. On average, sales leaders may spend as little as 15% of their time coaching sales calls. As a result, they don’t do it very well. There is a “whack-a-mole” firefighting approach to planning who, how much, when, and what they will coach.

Our Solution

Our proprietary 90-day Coaching Plan tracks who they coach, what they coach, and how much time they will coach. Many companies track sales call activity, but few track coaching activity, which is the fastest path to revenue growth. 

Coaching the Coach

A Weekly Podcast Under 3 min.

John Hoskins offering Chief Revenue Officer strategies

John Hoskins, Founder of Level Five Selling, provides invaluable insights and strategies to empower leaders like yourself to master the art and science of coaching your coaches.

Whether new to your role or a seasoned professional, Coaching the Coach is your ticket to elevating your frontline sales leaders’ coaching game and building a world-class sales team.

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